Girl Rising | Teen Ink

Girl Rising

January 8, 2017
By TheaterChick16 GOLD, Wethersfield, Connecticut
TheaterChick16 GOLD, Wethersfield, Connecticut
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you want a place in the sun, you have to expect a few blisters" - Loretta Young

Did you know that over 100 million children all over the world are currently being denied education and that about half of them are girls? Most people have the belief that all children no matter what their circumstances should have the right to go to school. However, in several countries around the world, there are dilemmas, traditions and even laws that particularly forbid girls from being educated. Instead, girls as young as five are being forced to help out at home or go to work. Some even have the misfortune of marrying men significantly older than them and having children. This is an injustice that has been the center of many protests and lawsuits in recent years. Girls who have been victims as well as their allies are speaking out so that these horrible practices will soon cease. As part of this advocacy, the Documentary Group decided to partner with Vulcan Productions to create a documentary about what these girls must suffer through almost daily. The result was Girl Rising which would also eventually become a global education movement. The 2013 documentary uncovers the harsh realities that can also bring hope to a better future.


Girl Rising tells the story of nine girls, all of whom, live in countries that have been struck by poverty and conflict. Each story is told one by one with each one revealing a different struggle that one girl is living with. Among them include working as a servant, constantly facing disturbing encounters and leaving school after the 2010 Haitian earthquake. All of the girls are very different from each other including with what they each want to accomplish in life and sadly the severity of how hard each of their lives are. Yet they all have one thing in common: the determination to receive the education they need to make them stronger. The film captures the entire beautiful spirits of all nine girls. From their innocent youthfulness to their endless determination, all of their stories are captivating to watch. It without a doubt captures their courage to overcome societal and/or cultural barriers which can be unimaginable to many others. The film does however make it clear that although they have come a long way on their own, the support from viewers is still needed in order to still see the smiling faces of the girls who have received help from this movement. Many of them barely made it through their struggles so they need a strong backbone to keep going.


Now each story was given great care by the filmmakers. Since each girl had distinct interests and personalities, the stories were incorporated with a variety of creativity that would make each story stand out and have a personality of its own. Therefore, the film features a beautiful mix of live-action, animation and narration, of reenactments and reimaginings, as well as real-life footage. They also remain dedicated to the aspects of their cultures that the girls respect as well as their own personal comfort. Some of the stories told had to stay away from explicit details and a few girls could barely show their face to the camera because revealing their identity could give them severe backlash from their home countries. Regardless, it shows that these girls can still have a voice rather than being merely subordinated. It’s right and just to show patriotism but it can’t stop cruelty from not being exposed. Much can be done to hide facts but if something is sensed to be not right, the ultimate truth must be found.


The film is not complete without numerous guest voiceovers. Some of the biggest female celebrities of our day from Meryl Streep to Alicia Keys narrate the stories of the nine girls. While it may first appear as if they could outshine the girls, it’s actually a fantastic inclusion to the film. The famous women featured are at a status that many young girls hope to one day achieve and their own journies to get there weren't easy either. In fact, women are still fighting for equal pay and stronger roles in film and TV. Their strength and determination makes them amazing role models for the girls. Also included is Liam Neeson who provides fascinating and shocking statistics about the treatment of such girls. It’s good to know that there is also a male voice being incorporated alongside other positive male figures such as protective brothers and nurturing fathers shown in the film because it shows that men can aide women in their situation instead of just indulging in their privileges or worse showing abuse towards women. Overall, these icons help bring the attention that these stories deserve. They show that they are compassionate people despite the obnoxious stereotypes that the celebrity role brings and that it’s important to prove that anyone can have well-deserved freedom, can have a postive voice and can show support.


When viewers see Girl Rising, I hope that they realize that several girls around the world aren’t as privileged as they might seem to be. To this day, young girls are still in this terrible predicament. Girl Rising along with several other movements are getting much done but the job isn’t over yet. This film can help spread the need to fight for the right to education for girls as it was able to show what some girls have had to endure and it won’t stop for good unless more people get involved. This can’t change in a few years or a decade later. These senseless acts must stop now.


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