A Better Life | Teen Ink

A Better Life

March 5, 2018
By jujubean881 SILVER, Sacremento, California
jujubean881 SILVER, Sacremento, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"do or do, not there is no try"

What the makings of a good movie? The great makings of a movie are to always have confidence in the story you are trying to tell and stick with it.

   The movie starts off with with his son at school and his gang affiliated girlfriend and she is tempting him to separate from his father's clean way of living and then luis father buys a truck and becomes a self employed man and a day laborer.

    Soon after his truck gets stolen from one of his workers and then carlos is left to  roam the streets of Los Angeles
And he gets home all drunk and sweaty and then Carlos tells Luis what happened and luis suggests that they go find who took the truck and beat him.

   This movie is to people who are wanting to watch a heartbreaking film of how immigrants have and are forced to live there everyday life.

The author's comments:

I its one of the best 


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