Parental Guidance | Teen Ink

Parental Guidance

May 11, 2018
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

 Parental Guidance might be one of the funniest, family-friendly, heart warming comedies to come out. A story about how a grandpa, Artie, loses his job as a baseball comentator for the minor league, and his wife attempt to have a relationship with their grand-children. These two grandparents have been deemed the "other" grandparents, and when their daughter and their son-in-law want to go on a vacation, they pounce when their daughter asks if they will babysit. At first, the grandparents have trouble adjusting to the three kids unique, special needs, which creates incredibly hilarious scenes. While babysitting the three grandkids, the grandparents learn that all of them have their own unique things.

 The oldest child is a girl and she is completely stressed out with life and the violin. The middle child is a kid who has a stuttering problem, and the youngest child is a toddler who is very energetic and wild. The grandkids eventually learn to love their grandkids, but only after lots of issues. 

 The ending of this movie is beautiful and heart-touching. This movie could not have ended in a more blissful way, and it will certainly cause some to weep. Parental Guidance is the perfect comedy with a sweet, funny tone that will never cease to amaze. 

The author's comments:

Parental Guidance might be one the perfect comedy: it has comedy, heart-touching moments, and is perfect for the whole family.


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